Tuesday 12 February 2013

Getting My First Brace

So I now finally have my first set of invisalign braces :)
44 Aligners and 88 weeks to go! Mine is a serious case, my friend only has a 6 month treatment plan as hers is much simpler!
I went to the hospital group in Leeds to see my dentist. The appointment was around 30 mins. He showed me how to put the braces in and how to take them out. His tip was always have a tiny bit of water in the braces as it makes them alot less visible. I'm surprised how clear they are, people haven't even noticed I'm wearing them! Although it does sound like I have a lisp when i talk at the minute.

Taking the braces in and out
The first time i tried it at home last night was awful! I found it really hard to get the braces out! Although this morning it seems much easier so i guess practice makes perfect. Putting them in is quite easy but i do use a mirror to make sure they are in line with my teeth. 

There is a slight discomfort when you first wear them. But its nothing worth worrying about. Its like the morning after the gym, its just an aching pain but i think its reassuring to know they are doing something! I haven't needed any pain killers or anything. 

We have been advised to just use a little bit of toothpaste with warm water and a soft bristle tooth brush to clean the brace. Its easy and quick and hasn't caused me any real inconvenience yet!
My advice so far is just to go for it! 
First 3 braces,  2 weeks per brace,  so will visit the dentist in 6 weeks

My Invisalign aligners in the case

Sat with the dentist as he showed us how to put the braces in and out


  1. You should ad an option for people to follow you so we can get an email when you update your blog! :)

    If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out my blog at xtina81.blogspot.com

  2. You must have seen the metal braces that are widely used by the orthodontists for tooth alignment. People who wear those metal braces might receive teasing comments or odd looks.
    Invisalign Winnipeg

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